Simple 5-step Healing Fire Ceremony


Fire has been used for centuries as an ally help us heal from trauma, pain and disconnection with the spiritual realm. Fire rituals and or ceremonies are some of the most ancient practices in most medicine traditions, and are still performed today here in Scandinavia around Midsummer and Solstice.

The Power of Fire

The raw power of fire is a force of both destruction, creation and purification. It can burn down and it can ignite, it can destroy our home and it can cleanse.

Typically held around the full or new moon of each month, Fire ceremonies can help us release old patterns, relationships and contracts that are not beneficial to us in our life journey.

It is said that our brain changes through ceremony, and fire allows for rapid transformation, as we give our body the message of what needs to be released.

Simple 5-step Fire Ceremony

Step in the footprints of medicine men and women from all traditions of the world, and let Fire be your healing ally.

Here is a suggestion to a simple fire ceremony, you can perform anywhere. You can alter it to your preferences, so feel into, what is right for you and use it as an inspiration to create your own personal fire ritual. Let your soul guide you. It knows the way.

  1. Set your intention. What is it you want to let go of? Is it a person, who has hurt you? A project that never came to life? Contracts with people, that keep you feeling trapped? Whatever it is, set the intention to release it, and let the power of fire transform it. Don’t be afraid to lose people or project hurt, fire will burn away the attachments and trauma, not the actual people.

  2. Blow the name(s) of what you want to release into the stick. Silently recite the list of people, memories or situations you want to release from your body’s nervous system.

  3. Now put the stick into the fire and watch it burn.

  4. Blow out the stick, and if you are using herbs or a Palo Santo stick, you can now smudge the energy body around you while reciting a prayer of your own. Or you can use the one below.

  5. Rest for a moment in gratitude to fire. The alchemy of transformation it has brought upon you. Try to soak a bit in the liberation of what no longer is, as you greet a new space that allows for what comes.

“Into this Fire I have now released
All that does not serve me.
May my heart be cleansed, that I might hear its messages clearly.
May my throat be cleansed, that I might speak rightly when words are needed.
May my eyes be cleansed, that I might see the signs and wonders of the world.
May (this person, project or space) be washed clean by the fire and may the smoke carry my prayer of purification, spiraling, to the heavens.
So be it.”


Following a fire ceremony, it is common to experience “instances of opportunity” to appear. This is small opportunities to practice the shift from the Fire Ceremony.

The ceremony itself is not a quick-fix in itself, but rather and opening to shift thoughts and patterns. The first step to heal, what needs to be repaired in your emotional body. An opening to create change, where you invite the universe to take care of the implementation of the healing.

Group Fire Ceremony:

Paper Fire
Another powerful way to do a fire ceremony is to create a circle and release or cleanse together. Often fires are used to symbolically let go of the things, that no longer serve us and enhance the power of the ritual, as we form the circle. Writing out what we want to let go of on a piece of paper, or even a full letter to someone, and put the paper in the flame, is a good way to have a ritual together. Make sure you have a fire-proof setting for it to burn upon and a water close to you in case the fire goes out of control. Paper Fires are very powerful in bigger fire circle with a outdoor fires. You can use this Hymn for your next fire circle.

Fire Remedies

Full Moon Infused Sage

Hand-picked wild sage and grass from Greece

Full Moon Card

Full Moons are great opportunities for releasing a cycle in our lives. With Semine’s full moon card bundle, you are ready for full year of full moons, either as moon journal to keep track of your progress - or for Full Moon paper fire circle.