The Faithkeeper

The role of the Faithkeeper is to remain peaceful and calm, while maintaining spiritual enlightenment and understanding, no matter what the tribe may endure. Under extreme conditions, if every single tribe member stumbles into fear, doubt, anxiety, worry and pain, the Faithkeeper maintains peace, spirituality and understanding.

In many Native American traditions, the Faithkeeper is looked upon as the mainstay to the ‘I AM’ presence of God, Great Spirit or Creator.


Faith is the ultimate personal strength that gives us the power to walk our own magic path; the road less travelled; the journey within. It is a call to our own guiding light, the still, small voice that is as ever present and close as our breath.

Asking for Assistance

The very core of the shamanic practice is asking for help. When we ask for help, we open up to a power and possibility that we were missing before. We explore the potential of becoming stronger through outside help. There are many people during our lives who might step into the shoes of a Faithkeeper to us. We may see the role filled by the priest, mentor, teacher, parent or anyone who might influence solidify our trust or inspire our belief system. We can all benefit from having a Faithkeeper in our lives, especially when feeling stressed or overwhelmed in days of uncertainty.

We all have the potential to be a Faithkeeper

The beauty about having the awareness of the Faithkeeper is that we all have the potential to stand in our Faith. Sometimes the guidance comes from others, yet other times, we are called to cultivate in ourselves, what are seeking from outside. Faith is like a muscle we train through life by using it and inviting it into our lives. We all have the ability to access the wisdom of the Faithkeeper through our own life experiences and accumulated knowledge when they are embraced with understanding, peace and belief. The only thing that separates us from the Faithkeeper is our free will to choose between indecision and decision to live within our Faith or belief system and then sticking to it.

Befriending your inner Faithkeeper takes practice. Whether you follow traditional shamanic traditions or similar concepts from other spiritual practices, over time you will find the best way for you to connect to spirit guidance and a practice to strengthen your Faith as our move forward in life.



Lay out a welcome mat for confusion in difficult times and remember that seemingly chaos in the outside world is the perfect opportunity to go within and practice your inner Faith.