Drop your Seeds

Towards the end of Fall, Mother Nature speeds up the process of discarding. On the best days, leaves are falling like golden snow straight into our faces or land like graceful little artworks on our doorsteps that whisper to us ‘let grow by letting go’ before the winds carry them away.

The process of nature’s shedding of leaves and needles are named ‘abscission’. Stemming from Latin Latin ab- 'away', and scindere 'to cut', this is nature’s way of preserving energy for the coming winter.

But the abscission process also doubles as a reproductive process, where fruits, seeds and cones are spread out into the world to start new life.

This time of the year is a beautiful reminder to trim our own life stems and let go of the ideas, feelings and stories, that we no longer need to carry into the future.

This is the time of the yearly housekeeping of our inner homes, where we can prepare for a new cycle by letting the old leaves go trusting that they had their time and now are free to fly away with the Autumn Winds.

You are here to renew and grow, so now you have to let the old go.
Autumn, AirSpread StudioComment