The girl who played with the stars

Once upon a time there was a human who lived like the stars. She felt so strange and lonely. It was very dark and not really cold, as one would imagine, but she so terribly missed the company of her kin. Other human beings.

But, there was nothing she could do here, so she might as well try and play with the stars, even though she was a bit scared of their nature. Much to her surprise the stars knew how to talk to her, and she didn’t even have to start the conversation, as a Giant Shining star right next to her spoke to her with warmth and compassion:

“We are made from the same dust you and I. Don’t be afraid of us, you are a very dear guest to us, and you are here only briefly, before we send you back to Earth again with our teachings, so that you will never have to be fearful again or even feel lonely in the Human world. You only feel scared of us, because you think in your mind’s eye, that we are so far away in a different world, but really we are not.  You see, you are made of stardust yourself. “

“What do you mean?,” she said, “I am a human being made of flesh and blood living on the Earth.” The star told her, “if you look inside you, you will meet us there, we are so very close all the time.”

The girl was very puzzled with this information, “what do you mean?”, she said quite content that the star was giving her all the information straight away, when she asked her questions.

“The only reason you don’t believe in the star magic inside yourself, is because you think we are strangers so far away from you, shining and twinkling, like we are made of some kind of special stuff, that we are not even alive, or maybe ancestors from a long time ago looking down at you. You believe us to be there in the night, but you don’t see that we are also there in the day, because your human eyes cannot see us. But, if you knew the secret that we are very alive and very close, you could start using your own star magic right now.  

“How do I do that?”, the girl, asked feeling more and more like a child who doesn’t know anything and keeps asking her wise parents about everything in the world. “You have to learn the art of the invisible, you must shift shape to know the magic. You have to learn to see with your heart. You must be blind as a human and see with the stars inside you. Some days, they will look like a bird tending its young, one day it will be the first day of Spring, and another, it will greet you like the special scent of the coming Autumn. Some times it will look like a wise old woman or a new born baby. Some times it will be a spark in the eye on a beloveds face or the feeling of tears streaming down your very own cheeks. But you will always recognize them because, they shine inside you. This will take practice, and we have million of years of practice. That is why we shine all the time for all the life on Earth and always stay here to guide you on.

But if you start to see through the eyes of your heart, you will soon enough start to feel the magic inside. It will feel like a little sparkle at first, but then it will feel like a warm glow of a thousand love stories waiting to happen. And they will happen completely on their own. Without you having to do anything other than receive them, when they arrive. This is when you will trust us on our words. This is when you will know the real magic of being made by star dust. This is when you will stop being afraid because now you too can see in the dark.”

The girl thanked the stars for their wisdom and returned back to Earth. She felt a million particles of joy already bubbling inside her at the mere thought of that possibility.