Full Moon in Aries

The Full Moon in Aries is a deeply healing moon. It brings with it a creative time bubble that allows us to focus on how we want to move forward in right relationship to ourselves and the surrounding world.

Full Moons represent the culmination of the lunar cycle and come with an energy of release, closure, and maturation. The second half of the lunar month is a time to slow down, release our efforts, and focus on letting go rather than on building, doing, and achieving.

The Full Moon closest to September’s Equinox is also popularly known as the Harvest Moon and comes with the harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. These days, we have opportunities to reap what we sow and witness the results of our work. 


Full Moons bring closing cycles to the sign it is in, and the Aries Full Moon wraps up a cycle, that began with the New Moon in Aries cycle back in April 2023. Reflect back to earlier this year in March/April. Where were you and what were your intentions and desires? Some of those may be coming back around for refining or actually manifesting if the timing is right. It is a good time to take a risk, make a bid for power and to go after what you want. Make sure you are coming from your personal passion as that will mobilize action in the right direction towards intentions you wish to manifest.

During this time, you may have learned some important lessons around your worth and relationships and made some important decisions and taken a few steps towards a better balance between giving and taking in your life.

The Aries Full Moon is wrapping up these lessons in a healing balm of (self-) compassion, where you can not only feel proud of your resilience and ability to overcome.

If necessary, write down all your wins, all the things you overcame or manifested the last 6 month, that was only just a dream back then. Sometimes, when we focus too much on the future, we fail to harness the gratitude of what we already have become and all the places, we have grown. This is the time to reflect on your own hero’s or heroine’s journey as you draw circles and bind ties around the harvest of your own life experience.


The Full Moon in Aries is an invitation to move toward authentic relating and choose ourselves before we try to be chosen by another. This is the time to make sure that we aren’t neglecting ourselves, our needs, and our desires. Around this time, our relationships may rearrange, shift their form, or upgrade, as we get clearer and more confident about what we truly need and desire.

These days, we have chances to observe where we are drawn to pleasing others at the expense of our desires, where we withhold our truth to be liked and accepted, where we find it hard to assert ourselves and share what we want with confidence, where we have troubles taking initiatives and taking risks, where we feel uncomfortable about owning our desires, our anger, and our personal expression.

During the days of the Full Moon, reflect upon what is worth fighting for, what is worth protecting, and also to reflect on what fighting means to us. Different choices are needed at this time if we aim to write a different story, and this is the time to get in touch with our strength, our power, and our courage to adjust how much energy and focus we are directing toward nurturing our relationships with others, and how much energy and focus we are directing toward nurturing our relationship with ourselves, our needs, and our desires. The Aries Full Moon invites us to fill our own cup and to make sure we are choosing ourselves, caring for ourselves, and respecting ourselves, before we try to be chosen, cared for, and respected by another. This lunation reminds us that we can’t relate to others authentically if our own needs and desires are unacknowledged, or if we don’t even know what we need and what we want.

The Full Moon in Aries is lending us a hand a giving us the support we need to break free from relationships, jobs, and commitments that aren’t true, that aren’t nourishing, that aren’t aligned with our values, purpose, and Soul’s path, that aren’t supporting our authentic expression.


If any feelings of anxiousness, stress or in any dissatisfaction with your life come up, try to welcome the triggers as old emotions to be resolved and released. When the Moon is in Aries, we have a great opportunity to connect with our passion, with our courage, and with the creative potential of our anger. Anger is not only destructive, it can be a creative catalyst when we know how to channel this energy rather than getting carried away by it. 

Anger tends to be demonized, judged, and feared. However, it is necessary to have an empowering, conscious relationship with our anger to progress in both our individuation and our healing journeys. This Full Moon offers us an opportunity to recover our connection with the power of our anger and harness this energy to generate positive changes in our lives.

Avoid projecting your irritation onto others, and if you can switch to any physical activity or nature therapy to release any pent up energy. Think of the Full Moon a kind of personal retreat time, that supports you in finding wisdom in the healing of the past and let the lessons gained as you let those old wounds empower you rather than demoralize you in your journey ahead.

Your only ‘job’ during this Full Moon will be to try to find ways to focus on beauty, creativity, art, and the nurturing support of community.

Knowing that the eclipse cycle is around the corner and eclipses always bring about change, this is the time to acknowledge what is stable in your life at the moment and nourish it so it can be strong as we prepare for the upcoming eclipses and the changes they may bring.

Full Moon Blessings to all,


In Stillness you see Everything

Coming Full Circle
Take a Pause
Look at the Golden Mirror
That is You
The Love you have grown for Yourself
The Shining Land that is your Globe

With this Light
you can see in the Dark
Begin again from a Full Heart
and write your New Story in the Stars.


Shinrin-Yoku: Forest Bathing

Go to a Forest. Walk slowly. Breathe. Open all your senses.
This is the healing way of Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy - the medicine of simply being in the forest.