Hunter Full Moon

The October Full Moon in Aries is a deeply healing moon. Also known as a the Hunter Moon, where historically, hunters began collecting food and storing it for the long and cold winter months ahead, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Full Moons bring closing cycles to the sign it is in, and the Aries Full Moon wraps up a cycle, that began with the New Moon in Aries cycle back in April 2024.

During the past 6 months you may have learned some important lessons around your worth and relationships and made some important decisions and taken a few steps towards a better balance between giving and receiving in your life.

Reflect back to earlier this year in April. Where were you, and what were your intentions and desires? Some of those may be coming back around for refining or actually manifesting, if the timing is right.

The Hunter Full Moon is wrapping up these lessons in a healing balm of (self-) compassion, where you can not only feel proud of your resilience and ability to overcome, but also start to value the lessons for what they have brought into your life: the wisdom of what you want to leave behind and the wisdom of what does not serve or nourish you any longer.

Also known as the Falling Leaves Moon and the Travel Moon, this Full Moon is a threshold time to take stock of a six-month journey coming to closure or culmination, as you celebrate your accomplishments and let go of what we don’t need on the journey through the next cycle.

Journal Promt

If necessary, write down all your wins, all the things you overcame or manifested the last 6 month, things that were only just a dream back then.

Sometimes, when we focus too much on the future, we fail to harness the gratitude of what we already have become and all the places, we have grown.

Under the light of the Hunter Full Moon, try to find some time to reflect on your own hero’s or heroine’s journey, as you draw circles and bind ties around the culmination of your personal life experience.

Feel the feels

The Hunter Full Moon in the sign of Aries is here to assist in in feeling a deep compassion towards yourself for the steps you took in the past and acknowledge, that you could not have learned what you have learned in any other way.

Under this Full Moon, you can let go a little and your soul bask in the healing beams of the moon, that soothe you and comfort you with a soft whisper: ‘Everything is all right.’

Allow yourself feel the feels. and know that one day, everything you went through will be a gift to someone else.

The saying ‘there is a gift in everything’ can sometimes hold the overriding brutality of emotional and spiritual bypassing of the pain, that we should allow ourselves to feel instead. But during this Full Moon, these words really do ring true.

There is a gift in what you have learned the only way you could have learned it, and the Full Moon in Aries is here as your glowing ally, that shines upon you, as she soothes you and prepares you for your next cycle.

Soul Vitamin

Coming Full Circle,
take a Pause.

Look at the Golden Mirror
That is You.

The luminous Reflection of all
the Love you have grown.

The Shining Land that is your Globe.

The Light,
you could only be found in the Darkness.

The Torch,
that gave you your Night Vision.

Bask in this lunar light for a while.

Bath in your golden hour,
before you begin again.



The Full Moon in Aries is an invitation to move toward authentic relating through choosing ourselves before we try to be chosen by another.

This is the time to make sure that we aren’t neglecting ourselves, our needs, and our desires - and what nurtures us. Around this time, our relationships may rearrange, shift their form, or upgrade, as we get clearer and more confident about what we truly need and desire.

The Hunter Full Moon is inviting us to observe where we are drawn to pleasing others at the expense of our desires, where we withhold our truth to be liked and accepted, where we find it hard to assert ourselves and share what we want with confidence, where we have troubles taking initiatives and taking risks, where we feel uncomfortable about owning our desires, our anger, and our personal expression.

During the days of the Full Moon, spend some to reflecting upon what is worth fighting for and what is worth protecting, and what fighting means to us. Different choices are needed at this time if we aim to write a different story, and this is the time to get in touch with our strength, our power, and our courage to adjust how much energy and focus we are directing toward nurturing our relationships with others, and how much energy and focus we are directing toward nurturing our relationship with ourselves, our needs, and our desires.

The Aries Full Moon invites us to fill our own cup and to make sure we are choosing ourselves, caring for ourselves, and respecting ourselves, before we try to be chosen, cared for, and respected by another. The Hunter Full Moon reminds us that we can’t relate to others authentically if our own needs and desires are unacknowledged, or if we don’t even know what we need and what we want.

The Moon is lending us a hand and giving us the support we need to break free from relationships, jobs, and commitments that aren’t nourishing, that aren’t aligned with our values, purpose, and Soul’s path, commitments that aren’t supporting our authentic expression.

This is a good time to take a risk, make a bid for power and to go after what you want. Make sure you are coming from your personal passion as that will mobilize action in the right direction towards intentions you wish to manifest.


Full Moon Blessings,

The Ritual

Full Moon Mantra


I put my past to rest.

I tuck it in,

I let it gently drift into dreamtime

like the leaves to the wind



Shinrin-Yoku: Forest Bathing

Go to a Forest. Walk slowly. Breathe. Open all your senses.
This is the healing way of Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy - the medicine of simply being in the forest.