January New Moon

The January New Moon is looking down in awe at you. Beautiful human being, your beautiful heart is a masterpiece. You are a piece of art in your overcoming, in your resilience, in your insistence on life. Today the new moon celebrates you as the eternal beginner.

New Moons always bring fresh starts with them, and the first New Moon of the year is a magical event full of wishful magic. It is a time to set our intentions for the coming year, it t is time for dreaming big in the darkness and give wings to our deepest desires.

Remember your Dreams

In modern society, we don’t ascribe much importance to the power of dreams, but many indigenous cultures suggest that the key missing ingredient for humanity now is to re-learn the ability to dream. In many indigenous cultures, the ability to dream is a skill, that is taught as one of the most important ones to the survival of the individual, the community and the Earth: To dream a good life for yourself, for your tribe, and for Mother Earth.

The January New Moon brings illumination and casts a special light on our dreams for the future and offers support for feeling into our future paths as a kind of springboard into a cosmic pool of possibility


The Door to a New Chapter

The January New Moon is opening the doors to a new chapter, as she is looking down in awe at you. Everything you overcame in your recent past has made you stronger and more resilient as your values and life has been put to the test. It has made you into a masterpiece of a  human being. You are a piece of art in your overcoming, in your resilience, in your insistence on life.

This is the time to tap into your deepest dreams and desires and use your creativity to explore, what you know you want to do, to have and to experience. Right now, you do not need to know the “how” of it, only the “what”. This new moon is also in support of reaching for more courage to be seen as you step up into more of your authenticity and unique medicine.

A great deal of trust is needed, especially trust in your own inner wisdom and values. Spend some time during the days around this New Moon to write down the intentions that are clear–without any attachment to how they will manifest. Think of this list as a work in progress that can be refined, added to, rewritten or changes, as the new year evolves.

Bring your hopes, dreams and wishes with you into the future as it waits for your arrival.

New moon blessings.

What is more beautiful than the human heart that after one thousand sorrows keeps singing the only song it knows:

Keep healing,
keep moving,
keep dancing,
keep playing,
keep forgiving,
keep loving,
keep living.

A way to dream

On the day of the New Moon, write down what you wish to manifest in the coming year.

You can divide it into three (or more) areas of your life: Love, Health and Material Needs.

Leave your wishes as little seeds in a box or jar and ask for the New Moon to bless them and send them Power to grow.

During the remaining New Moons of the year, you can revisit your wishes and see how they grow in your life, maybe water them again or write down with gratitude what has manifested.


The January New Moon is an invitation to get clear about what it is that wants to rise from within.

A great way to reflect on is is by writing out the following sentences:

What I need to water is…..
What I need to nourish is…..
What I want to nurture in my life, so that it grows is….
What I really want to see developed in my life is