New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius
Element: Fire

The last New Moon of the year is an invitation to set your intentions on what you truly desire rather than what you think is possible. As you gaze upon the shining stars of the dark December sky, it is time to dream beyond, what your mind can imagine. Look at the future through the twinkle within you as you connect with the truth that you are here to shine. Then declare loudly and proudly to the Universe that you WILL fulfill your destiny.

Returning to ourselves

Have you had the feeling lately, that you’ve tried your best and not succeed? Maybe you had some setbacks recently, where even though, you have done everything right, things turned around right at the finish line. Maybe you have just been annoyed and feeling unfulfilled without being able to put a finger on why and where.

There has been a trickster energy around during October and November with retrogrades and Scorpio season, that has made it difficult to operate the way we humans like it best: Do something - and succeed!

The recent past has taught us some valuable lessons around what success looks like on the inner planes. Who are you, when you strip away the external need for approval? What happens when you feel let down by the world or are confronted with the need to be seen and admired? How can you come back to being in the world with the aim of personal pleasure and play rather than external validation and admiration from others?

These lessons will be valuable, as the energy shifts during this new moon, and have entered Sagittarius season. Sagittarius is the playful archer that looks toward the future with its arrow pointing you to your personal truth and connects you to your Higher Mind and ideals.

The Sagittarius New Moon is one of the most hopeful moons of the year, as it carries with it all of the beautiful Sagittarius qualities of expansiveness, taking a chance on something new, and moving toward what lights our hearts on fire. The planet Mercury is going retrograde on the same day highlighting the theme of Returning. Returning to ourselves, our joy, and the things and activities that bring us a sense of spiritual expansion.

This offers the perfect pause to reflect on your 2023 journey. Take this opportunity to acknowledge your growth and accomplishments as you look ahead. Sagittarius' expansive energy encourages you to envision your future with an open heart and a boundless spirit.

Expanding through joy

This is why it is extra, extra important, that you envision your future life on a foundation of personal joy and pleasure. The universe measures success not by likes and admiration but by energy and joy. If something makes you happy, then go for it. And if something depletes you and drains you, it will not be successful in the long run. Is it really that simple, you may ask? Yes darling, it really is, in the eye of a Sagittarius.

Sagittarius season is a journey of expansion, so think of this New Moon as your ally and playmate in helping expand what is based on play and pla(y)sure, rather than striving and competing.

Under this New Moon, try to stretch your mind beyond what you think it possible. This is a time to learn and teach under the influences of joy and fun.

If you want to experiment in your area of expertise to others, this is a time that is especially favourable for branching out in your career -or taking a new road entirely. You may want to explore different areas of work or diverge into new avenues in your current profession.Go for it! If ever there was a time to take the next step by playing and having fun, this is it.

Celebrate your spectacular self during the days of the Sagittarius New Moon as it illuminates your inner spark and encourages you to recognize and appreciate your unique talents, achievements, and successes.

New Moon Blessings,

3 Journal promts:

  1. What gifts have I buried to protect myself from rejection?

  2. How can I open my heart to receive more love?

  3. Am I investing my time and money wisely?