Full Moon in Taurus

The influences of the Taurus Full Moon Eclipse may stir up your recent past lessons about letting go for final closure. As you, finally, dare to let go, you are sending a powerful message to the universe, that you are ready for the new and making space for new growth that is connected to your own dreams.

The Taurus Full Moon Eclipse ends a cycle of reflection and reevaluation of all things external and how they affect your internal experience. There have been many lessons and opportunities for change in the areas of self worth, personal power, the use of resources, and reprioritizing what is important based on what you value. Relationship issues may be in the spotlight with boundaries, self care and being heard as some of the aspects in focus. 


The Full Moon in Taurus is a powerful support of strength to keep going towards your rainbow and your treasure, as you wrap up the lessons of letting go of anything that is no longer serving you.

The most important step to take during this full moon, will be to dare. To really, really dare by setting the intention to open your heart to embrace a new fertility where ideas, insights and inspiration have a chance to take root and flourish in your life.

As you may have been practicing for some time now, the Full Moon Eclipse will shine an extra light on the places, you need to dare to let go of: What is not right for you, where to create healthy boundaries and which people and circumstances that deplete you.

Most often we are reluctant to let go of things because of the feeling of security, they give us. Taurus is all about security, and the Taurus Full Moon is here to teach us to ‘eclipse’ the need for security with the need to life a life in respect to our self-worth, our values and ideals.

As you finally dare to let it all go, you are sending the universe a powerful message, that you are ready for the new and making space for new growth that is connected more to your dreams.


During this Full Moon, you are being given an opportunity to use your personal choice of irreverence to implement your truth, always coming from a place of kindness and authenticity. Striving for a balance between giving and receiving, responsibility and freedom, adventure and security, change and stability, set the intention to be aligned with what is best for you in your life even if it may disappoint someone else. Spend some time out in nature during this window of the full moon/eclipse and work with the earth as a source of grounding, creativity and presence.

The Energy of the Full Moon Elipse can be quite overwhelming, as it is literally turning over our lives. As it stirs up emotions and patterns, the best way to deal with it on an emotional level is by finding ways and practices, that calms your body’s nervous system.

Activities like breathwork, journaling, walking in nature and restorative yoga will support your body in the transition and help you quiet your busy mind.

Under this Full Moon, practice listening to your heart through your body. Slow down and practice being in the moment by supporting yourself with activities that restore you.

The most important thing during this time will be to really listen to your body. As research has shown, there’s wisdom in the body that we can benefit greatly from, if we cultivate our ability to access it. Our body carries the information from all of our life experiences at the cellular level, and if we cultivate our awareness to notice it, we can start co-creating by changing the conditions that we are trying to transform, by listening to the wisdom it holds.

You can find my personal favourite restorative pose for the heart below, or leave us all a comment on how you support your body and allow your heart’s wisdom to flow through.


Full Moon Blessings to all,


THE POSE: Heart Opener

Heart openers expand your chest and rib cage, making them more receptive and free. On an emotional level, the Heart Opener will assist you in allowing your heart to stay open to receive the blessings in your life.


you’ve come a Long Way.

From All the Ways,
it didn’t work.

All the Detours,
all the Setbacks,
all the Attempts.

They led you to Here.
They led you to Now.

They led you to
the Right Place.

They led you back to You.
They led you back to your Heart.
They led you back to your Art.