Walking Meditation

Image by Jamie Hawkesworth

Image by Jamie Hawkesworth

Meditation is not just about sitting in silence. It is about allowing yourself to become one with the moment. Every time you think about something, reflect on something, or get lost in thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow, your energy becomes pulled in many directions, and your precious life energy becomes stretched, leaky, and scattered.

Meditating simply means being present and center in the moment, allowing your energy to mix with the energy of now. By focusing on the present, on the here and the now, you enter into your truest power and your strongest form, and from this place, the best solutions and greatest inspirations can be found. Allowing yourself to become one with the moment is also highly relaxing and has infinite benefits for your mind, body, and soul.

Very often when we walk, our mind is elsewhere. We are anxious about arriving at our destination, or we think about 100 different things that take us out of the present moment.

Walking Meditation requires you become one with the moment but also one with the Earth. As you place each foot on the ground, you are doing so consciously and with love and gratitude for being here and gratitude for your body being able to take you on a little journey. As you walk, you are becoming an observer to your surroundings and taking in whatever each moment brings your way.

In a Walking Meditation, the task is to become completely present. To let go of all thoughts and to simply allow your energy to merge with the nature around you.

This evokes a sense of compassion and connection, not just with yourself but with the oneness around you.

You can read more about walking meditation and find further inspiration here