Wolf Medicine
When wolf comes into your life or dreams, it may come with the message to use your instinct and intuition to grasp a situation well.
Wolf teaches you to trust your instinct blindly and act accordingly in order to avoid hurt. It could be related to a situation, a relationship or your trust around it. If something feels threatening to you, using your mind’s logic will delay your response in reacting and could possibly mean, you will act too late.
Use your intuition as your compas
In the book ‘Women who Run With the Wolves’, Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estés explains how Intuition is the compass you come with to this world. Over the course of life, we give it up for the voice of our parents, teachers, bosses, partners, psychoanalysts.
But all you need to know is already inside of you. According to Clarissa Pinkola Estés the wolf, La Loba, is an analogy to the the wild woman nature. The instinct that whispers answers to your ear. The whisper inside you that, if you only trust her, she will lead you through life.
When wolf shows up in your life, it is time to go back to perceiving your life and situations through your instincts and cultivate trust around your inner knowing.
Life can be very simple, like the mother wolf teaches her pups: if it is threatening and bigger than you: flee; if it is weaker, see what you want to do; if it is sick, leave it alone; if it has quills, poison, fangs, or razor claws, back up and go in the other direction; if it smells nice but is wrapped around metal jaws, walk on by.
“If you cannot face the wild, do not go into the forest. If you do not go into the forest, you will not find the treasure.”
Accepting the balance of the Wild
In 1995 wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in the US after being absent for seventy years. It was a controversial decision, but rangers decided it as a risk worth taking, because the land was in trouble.
During those seventy years, the number of deer ran out of control and remained in big numbers on the top of the food chain reducing vegetation to such an extent that the riverbanks eroded. Once a small number of wolves arrived, changes started to happen almost immediately.
First the wolves thinned out the deer population through hunting. But more importantly, the presence of the wolves drastically changed the behaviour of the remaining deer, as they started avoiding the valleys, where they were most exposed and vulnerable. In these places plants started to regenerate and the height of trees quintupled in just six years.Birds moved in, beavers built dams which provided habitats for fish and ducks. Ravens, eagles and bears came back. And the plant vegetation in the rivers changed, so the banks stopped collapsing and flowed freely again.
The wolves, who were feared by many as threat to the ecosystem, actually became the salvation to the ecosystem. They teach us that we need not interfere with the wisdom of the wild. Once we move past our fear, we can trust wolf as a keeper of a balance and respect of the circle of life.
Befriend your Wild Spirit
Wolves are probably the most misunderstood of all wild animals. Stories of cold-bloodedness abound, in spite of their friendly, intelligent and social traits. Wolves only resort to violence in extreme cases. They prefer to avoid combat (or end it as soon as possible). Additionally, wolves don’t kill those of their own kind. On a deeper level our emotions toward Wolf reflects our muddled feelings of ourselves as humans. Although we consider ourselves ‘civilized’ we are still animals with our own wild spirit. Wolf reminds us of this, often uneasily.
Contrary to popular belief, wolves are neither lonely nor wild. They’re very social animals, which explains why they’re always in packs. If they do something alone, it’s because it’s convenient for their pack. If wolf comes to you alone, it is a time to discover valuable things about yourself. To truly come to understand yourself, you must be alone, undeterred by the beliefs, judgements and views of others.
Wolf as Pathfinder
Native Americans have long regarded wolves as teachers or pathfinders. If Wolf finds you, this may be an indication that you are a teacher or wisdom keeper of some kind. To increase your Wolf power, you can increase wisdom and also share it with others through experience, by walking the path. Or another way to put it: practice what you preach.
When a lone wolf is spotted in the wilderness it embodies individual freedom. When seen in a pack it embodies a feel of community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to do the same within your own life.
The wolf teaches us to learn about our inner self and to discover our inner power and strength. However, to achieve this, we must take risks and face our deepest fears. Wolf requires sincerity. Though demanding a lot of us, much is given in return; a spirit helper that is always there to help, giving us extraordinary powers of endurance.
Learn to listen to the voice within yourself, which in silence is as clear as the sound of the wolf howling in the night.