a year with the rhythm of nature
35 EUR
Refugium – a year with the rhythm of nature invites you to take a closer look at what happens in nature and in yourself when the seasons change. In the book, you will find inspiration and tools to appreciate each month through mindfulness, old seasonal celebrations (you may have heard of the solstice - but what about May Eve or the equinox?), everyday-friendly rituals, traditions, recipes and activities, all of which create a break for reflection and connection to yourself, your roots and nature.
Every month you will also be introduced to old Danish herbal medicine, so that when the year is over, you will have an effective home pharmacy with everything from herbal teas, body oils, extracts in honey and alcohol and much more. The book is written for you who would like to re-establish the connection with nature, celebrate the change of seasons, revive old traditions and slow down the pace of your everyday life.
Sidsel Solmer was born and raised in the city, but experienced during the corona shutdown a great longing to spend more time in nature. It was the starting point for a new lifestyle with the cycle of the seasons as inspiration. Sidsel's perspective does not come from a nature expert, but from a modern city dweller who has experienced great joy in slowing down and reconnecting with nature in her otherwise "ordinary" everyday life. She communicates in a poetic and sensual way, and she inspires her readers to slow down and follow the cycle of nature in their own lives. Sidsel Solmer runs a creative agency and looked for a way to live and work more in tune with the cycles where her business reflected her personal life and holistic way of living. She founded Semine as a community for fellow kins, where she sends "seasonal letters" to her readers throughout the year. It is precisely these popular newsletters that Refuge - a year in the rhythm of nature builds on.
Kategorier 709, Aktuelle bøger, Dyr og planter, Krop, sind og ånd, Livsstil Forfatter Sidsel Solmer
Originalt sprogDansk
“This book helps you rediscover something precious you may have lost along your life's journey.”
Tony Carew
Co-founder Liberated Leaders, Australia.
“A beautiful, enchanting book. Full of wonder, awe and a sense of remembering, important (yet easily forgotten) aspects, of what it means to be truly human.”
Stephanie Enson