
The Art of Refuge

2021 is dedicated to the Art of Refuge. It is a Healing chapter that explores Refuge as a concept and cocoon. Refuge In Mother Earth. Refuge in the Divine Feminine. Refuge in our own Divinity.

In the Medicine Wheel, we visit the elements of Water to heal our Emotional state. Water carries the Medicine of leaving our old selves and identities behind to allow ourselves to arrive at new shores where we can heal our broken heart and grow new roots.

Refuge is like the Vessel that protects the seed. It allows us to be able to still our minds from the trouble and limitations of the World, so we can dream up New Places to belong. Starting by creating our own oases where we can thrive and nuture ourselves, we can mend what was broken, heal our wounds and cultivate Hope for ourselves and the World.

Definition of refuge

(Entry 1 of 2)

1 : shelter or protection from danger or distress 2 : a place that provides shelter or protection 3 : something to which one has recourse in difficulty

(Entry 2 of 2)
refuge verb
refuged; refuging

transitive verb: to give refuge to
intransitive verb: to seek or take refuge