
Semine Journey is an e-guide to Nordic Soul Living. Reviving the heritage and myth of Scandinavia, Semine Journey is a cosmology of stories, journeys and lifestyle tips for the seasons of life.

Semine takes its name from the Danish Goddess of the Sun, Moon and Stars, and she knows that to live well is to live with the changing seasons. Exploring health not only as physical health, but also as emotional health and soul health, Semine is a modern universe of ancient Nordic wisdom for people all over the globe to connect to the wisdom of each life season.

Seminejourney.com is a changing digital landscape of the seasons Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter with medicine cards of inspiration and wisdom for the seasons of life:

Moon omens, monthly almanac, soul vitamins and beauty rituals to inspire and nudge (wo)men into thriving goddesses.

Instagram Reach: 90 day - 18K Accounts

2000+ Followers

Categories: #Poetry #MoonOmens #Beauty #Wellbeing #Scandinavia #NordicMedicine #MotherEarth

Top Audience Locations: London, Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Sydney

Previous co-labs: The Witchery, Aire Ancient Baths, Sakhi Copenhagen, Compensair

The Travel Almanac

For each season, Semine publishes an E-guide with destinations and travel essays for slow soulful modern pilgrimages that combines wanderlust and adventure.

Join Semine on the journey of the Nordic Soul and become part of her dream to one day collect the most loved content and her own favourites in a print version book