SEMINE is your wanderlust and homecoming.
Dedicated to the alchemy of travel SEMINE is your magical playmate
and a secret tour guide to become the Alchemist of your own life.




Think today, real freedom is to be whoever you want to be, whereever you are. You don’t need to escapE. I don’t like escape.




Creative Diary (Alchemy, Fire)

Wellbeing, Life Quality, Balance

Kinesiologi (shoppen):

  • læren om bevægelse

  • genskabelse i krop, psyke og sjæl

  • opnå et bestemt mål: fysisk, følelsesmæssigt eller andet

  • Overvinde magtesløshed, sorg, negative tanker

  • Styrke livmodet

  • lærre at lytte til hvad kroppen fortæller

  • genvinde eller bevare sundhed

  • komme til kræfter og styrke kroppens selvhelbredende evner.

At forandre sig sammen med tingene (omverdenen) er det samme som ikke at forandre sig.

Tao: betyder livets vej og betegner også naturens kredsgang gennem årstiderne. Tao viser sig for alle mennesker i form af ‘forvandlingerne’ som fx liv til død, umoden til moden. Den vise accepterer forvandlingerne og bliver en del af Tao. Tåben prøver at stræbe imod, hvorved han bliver ulykkelig og bringer ulykke over andre.

Man må bevæge sig omkring uden at insistere på nogen bestemt retning, følge tingenes natur og aldrig lade sig trænge op i en krog.

Reason says, the world is limited in six directions, there is no way out.

Love says, there is a way, and I have travelled it many times.


Gandhi famously said that the way toward self-realisation was through sorrow and suffering. In comparison to Western thought, the individual’s suffering is put into a much broader context. Inherent in the cosmic cycles of living and rebirth, suffering in Hindu doctrine is something that has to be lived through. The purpose of Hindu practices is not to end human suffering, but to learn from it.

The word ‘Homeostasis’ refers to the process that keeps the body in balance despite outside changes. A homeostatic balance is equivalent to the body’s optimal balance regarding oxygen levels, acid levels, temperature etc.

During your travels, it is important to always keep one thing in mind, when one thing ends, something else begins. “