New Moon in Capricorn

This year’s last New Moon is the end to a full Circle. We began the year with a New Supermoon in Capricorn - the sign that governs your “big picture.” It is associated with status and achievement. Under this New Moon, take stock of all that is your own full circle while actively declaring your intentions to the Universe. Let your wishes be the command.

Name: New Moon in Capricorn
Element: Earth


The past year(s) has for most people proven to be indeed hard ones. But also ones that have taught us the power of resilience and showed us what we are really made of. If someone had told you about the things, that have happened and how you have lived through them, still standing, maybe even more glorious than ever, you might not have believed them.

The other side of hardship is that over time, we can lose track of our dreams. In the midst of surviving, we don’t really have time and effort and imagination to visualize a life, where we are thriving.

And this is where the New Moon will step in and give you a soothing pause. A pause to look back at your accomplishments in the personal growth department and really celebrate, that you made it this far. Celebrate that all the efforts, you have put in to pull through has made you capable of so much more.

More Love, more Trust, more Miracles, more Happiness. More of all the things that nourish you, so that you may thrive more in your next chapter.

This New Moon your only homework will be to visualize yourself living your life to the fullest. Imagine how you would like to feel, including the experiences you want to have and your impact on the world.

Look at your OWN full circle

  • As you look back on your year, be sure to recognize all you have accomplished spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

  • As you look forward to the future, dream big and reach for the stars.

  • Make a vision board -or a vibration board- that makes it clear to yourself what your dream life looks like in images and feelings. A vision board describes a future goal, where a vibration board describes the feeling and acknowledes all the places you are already vibrating your dream life.

Set aside some time to cut images from magazines, make a drawing or go out into the Winter wilderness and let the New Moon find you there with her own personal advice for you.

You have a glorious future ahead of you. This is the time to boldly declare your intentions to the Universe and yourself - and let it be.


New Moon Blessings,


THE Ritual: Mini-Medicine walk

As the winter allows only short stays outside in the cold weather, try to experiment with mini-stays outside. A feeling of well-being can be found in (even short) feelings of marvel. Walk outside in your pyjamas and duffelcoat in the morning or at the twilight time and see what wonders awaits you. You can find more inspiration on how to a medicine-walk in nature or walking meditation in the Semine Wanderlust section.


Coming Full Circle
Take a Pause
and Be Still.

Look at the Art Piece
That is your Life.

In the Stillness, you can see Everything.

The Love you have grown for Yourself
The Blessings you have been given.
The Sorrows that has mellowed your Heart.

Take the Love and the Blessings and the Sorrows and get ready to
begin again from a Full Heart

Then write your New Story under the Stars of the dark Winter sky.