Swan Medicine
Swan medicine teaches us the art of stepping into ones beauty and power against all odds. Swan is the master of traveling through the awkward phases of life through a process of surrender to the grace of the rhythm of the universe.
Swan medicine symbolizes the divine essence we all have. The aspect of us which is complete and unchanging, inalterable, indestructible that remains thus for eternity perfect. It contains within us the original instructions which makes us gods and goddesses of mother earth if we take time to learn what nature is and co-create, cultivate our gardens and family domains. We are in essence the creators of paradise if we respect the laws of nature. Because of the confidence in this divine essence, the symbolism of swan accompanies certain dreamers, who learn to travel with confidence in other dimensions and parallel worlds. This confidence in the divine allows them to move resistance and to feel safe everywhere.
In First Nation’s spiritual world the swan is associated with the medicine of shamanic journeying, these journeys into the unknown where we must sometime dive in without knowing what we are going to find in the whirlpools of energy.
Swan medicine people have the ability to surrender to the power of Great Spirit, and to accept the healing and transformation of their lives and glimpse into the future .
The beautiful story written by Jamie Sams in her book The Medicine Cards describes this transformational wisdom of diving into the unknown.
‘Little Swan flew through the Dreamtime, looking for the future. She rested for a moment in the coolness of the pond, looking for a way to find the entry point to the future. This was a moment of confusion for Swan, as she knew that she had happened into the Dreamtime by accident. This was her first flight alone and she was a bit concerned by the Dreamtime landscape.
As Swan looked high above Sacred Mountain, she saw the biggest swirling black hole she had ever seen. Dragonfly came flying by, and Swan stopped him to ask about the black hole. Dragonfly said, “Swan, that is the doorway to the other planes of imagination. I have been guardian of the illusion for many, many moons. If you want to enter there, you would have to ask permission and earn the right.
Swan was not so sure that she wanted to enter the black hole. She asked Dragonfly what was necessary for her to earn entry. Dragonfly replied, “You must be willing to accept whatever the future holds as it is presented, without trying to change Great Spirit’s plan.” Swan looked at her ugly little duckling body and then answered, “I will be happy to abide by Great Spirit’s plan. I won’t fight the currents of the black hole. I will surrender to the flow of the spiral and trust what I am shown.” Dragonfly was very happy with Swan’s answer and began to spin the magic to break the pond’s illusion. Suddenly, Swan was engulfed by a whirlpool in the center of the pond.
Photo ©Lukas Klingora
Swan reappeared many days later, but now she was graceful and white and long necked. Dragonfly was stunned! “Swan, what happened to you!” he exclaimed. Swan smiled and said, “Dragonfly, I learned to surrender my body to the power of Great Spirit and was taken to where the future lives. I saw many wonders high on Sacred Mountain and because of my faith and my acceptance I have been changed. I have learned to accept the state of grace.” Dragonfly was very happy for Swan.
Swan told Dragonfly many of the wonders beyond the illusion. Through her healing and her acceptance of the state of grace, she was given the right to enter the Dreamtime.’
Dreaming The World Into Being
We are all dreaming the world into being, although most people have lost the ability to guide the dream, and are, as a result, at the mercy of the collective nightmare.