New Moon in Leo
After the soft season of introspection, Leo season brings a welcome outward energy. The new moon in Leo asks you to pick up the staff of personal leadership, the magic wand of your creative power as your start to assert yourself in the world. This is the time to be bold and step up for yourself. Leo teaches us to stand in our power, protect our domains and roar with the voice, that was given to us.
The New Moon in Leo begins a season, where we can step into our personal power through true self expression.
Whatever has come to the surface on your inward journey the past few weeks, it is now time to integrate in the outer world. Maybe you have been realizing how and where you have been dimming your own light to accommodate others at the expense of your own wellbeing. Maybe you have been triggered by imbalances between giving and receiving in your relationships with yourself and others.
Now it is time to change all that on the outside, and the Leo New Moon is here to assist you on that journey. Expect a change in relationships and power dynamics in your own world as well witnessing others standing up against norms and societal structures. This new moon provides an excellent time to explore themes around worthiness, self-esteem and boundaries and make changes in your life story.
New Moons are powerful times to set new intentions and plant new seeds. The moon time is supporting you in new directions and taking new steps towards the life, that you desire. You are given the opportunity to erase the old storyboard and begin with changing whatever does not bring you joy or support your life, dreams for yourself and the way you show up in the outer world.
For the next few weeks, you can bathe in the radiance of the royal Leo energy to connect to the gold within yourself and show the world how luminous and fierce you are. The New Moon in Leo is the perfect time to find ways to connect to your passion and re-kindle your inner spark. Try to allow your intuitive insights and sudden pings during the next few weeks to be the breadcrumbs to the right path for you. The path that leads you on to your individual path of purpose. You are here to share your unique gifts with the world. And when you do that, you make the world a more beautiful place.
Leo is associated with royalty, honour and leadership, and when you tap into this energy, you can find the fuel to stand up for yourself and start a daring adventure or find a new path.
If you have been second guessing yourself, because you don’t believe change is possible, this is the season to roar at those beliefs until they fall apart, to find the courage and to start putting one foot in front of the other on the road to change.
The Leo New Moon wants you to expect more for yourself. More joy, more play, more abundance, more love. The universe has no limit to what you can ask for and what is available to you, but the trick is that you have to ask for it first. You have to set the intention for the life you want, the path you want to travel, and the journey that is your life.
Let the Leo New Moon lead you straight to your own treasure box of gold and diamonds by teaching you to take ownership of your own power, your creativity and authority.
Enjoy this playful and creative time, and make sure to use every moment possible to step up for yourself. Don’t forget to use your voice through writing (find some journal promts below), singing or debating - roar like the powerful creature you are!
New Moon Blessings,
5 Ways to connect to the power of the Leo New Moon
Trust Yourself
Connect you your heart and ask it what is wants. Some times it tells us to take the road less travelled, but we don’t listen because it would require a change or involves fear around money and security. This is the time to listen and just do it anyways. It doesn’t have to be a major life decision. Start small and see what happens, when you start living from trusting your heart, even though it doesn’t make sense to you at first. Actually especially then!Guard your territory
Stay away from other peoples dramas. Break away and separate from the things and energies, that are NOT your responsibility to carry and solve. And make sure you roar at the people that try to unload theirs into the territority that is your precious life. Set some clear boundaries and communicate clearly. Use your voice and practice saying a firm No!Step up.
Now is the time to re-brand yourself. Marie Kondo your thoughts, your closet, your drawers, and then setup some time for your precious, glorious self. Fuel your mind with the possibility, that dreams are possible, love is your birthright and an abundance is just a few steps away. Steps that you will start taking now by honouring yourself and stepping. If it feels hard, envision that a queen or king is coming to your home, and you are preparing everything for her or his arrival. The right clothes, the right food, the bath equipment and so on. After you have done all that, then think of yourself as that queen or king. Yes, you! Call in your royal, gracious self and spoil her or him in your home first. Then step out into the world and expect to be treated like nothing less.Express Yourself
In order to find our Path to Purpose, we sometimes need a little push to come back to our passions, and think of the Leo New Moon of that push. But first we must cultivate in in ourselves and in times, where we have strayed too long away from our passions, we must come back and rekindle them. A great way to do this is through journaling. If you are new to the practice, simply start with pen and paper, and set a timer for 10, 15 or 30 minutes, depending on the time you have available and continue the following 3 phrase:
The places in my life I have not expressed enough of myself, my truth, or your creativity, is….. The the last time I truly had some fun and engaged in true play was…
Connect to the power of Play
Leo learns through play. Just like the lion mother teaches her cups about danger and collaboration through play, the Leo Moon wants you to experiment and play, as she will look over you. In the modern , fast paced world of Western society, we don’t leave much time for play, and we don’t give ourselves, and others permission to play. But the truth is, play is a very important part of evolving and innovating as human beings, and this is the time to do just that. To evolve and innovate your own life. So come out and play!
“I no longer allow my past experiences to dictate how I show up TODAY. I am safe to be seen and heard. I stand in my power and sovereignty now.”
Card from the Semine Creativity Deck
Set your New Moon intention and plant the seeds for the next lunar cycle with SEMINE’s Moon Cards.