Flower Full Moon
The Flower Full Moon is here to nudge you to come back to yourself in some round-about way–either through your existing path, or through a new and completely different course with the potential to begin a cycle that is completely different from what you have experienced before.
We are now coming out of the Eclipse Season of April and May, that has been an inward journey towards simplicity and our basic needs. A time where we have been reminded to turn away from sources outside of ourselves and our awareness has been pointed to the true value of things in our lives. The scales in have been re-balanced and the bigger elements of our foundation have been sifted and sorted: What is necessary and unnecessary, what is over-valued, and under-appreciated.
At this time, we need not gather more information or be more ‘complete’ in any way. In the next cycle, it is more about fine-tuning the decisions that came up in the Eclipse Season and staying true to our choices and values. If we find ourselves slipping back into looking outside of ourselves for sources of happiness, purpose and self-worth, the Flower Full Moon is here to gently but firmly remind you to come back home and maybe nudge in some round-about way.
Think it, Dream it, Be it
With the Eclipse Season put to rest and our revelations digested, May’s Flower Full Moon will shine a light on what stands in the way of pursuing our dreams. We are standing on the peak of the mountain, overlooking the bigger picture, what’s behind and what’s ahead.
This is the time to sort through options before trotting down the path ahead. As welcome confusion and indecision, we can create a space for chaos, that allows us to honour the completion of a cycle and go through options for future tracks. We owe it to ourselves to give this process ample space while we look at the truth of what works and what doesn’t as and map our next moves for maximum joy and beauty.
The Flower Full Moon comes with many promises lightened by a sparkly tone of positivity and productivity to create a blank slate and clear coast for which direction we need to go forth in order to grow–once we decide what old habits to let go.
“May’s powerful Flower Full Moon shines a light on all the places you have grown. Like a flower in Full Bloom, it is time to step into your power, use your gifts in your own authentic way and keep your thoughts positive in the blooming field of beauty. ”
When life gives you lemons
Take a look at all the things, that have shaped your path up until this point. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the things you would rather have been without. This is the time to look at all these things, that have filled the cup, you call your life. Now try to look at it without judgment, but acceptance.
From this starting point, this moon wants to lend you a helping hand in mastering the art of walking through obstacles, re-framing and training your mind-set to look at things from a new perspective.
You know the people that always seem to come out on top of their hardships? These people are not coming out on top, because they are especially lucky or blessed, but because of their practice. Over time, they have mastered the ability to walk through obstacles, and now it is time for you to do the same.
During the Flower Full Moon, try to stay out of any judgment or resentment, or even martyrdom, if you feel your life has not shaped itself in the way, you have wished for, or if anything or anyone has left you against your will.
Instead, notice what is present in your life in this moment. Notice what is coming into your life, and honor these new aspects of your path as part of your new beginning.
If you dwell too much on what you have lost, you will miss out on this powerful opportunity to start or create your new chapter or mark an improvement in your life.
Make Lemonade
The Flower Full Moon is an invitation to be creative and intentional about managing your obstacles in a new way. Be encouraged to think and problem-solve outside the box with a focus on improvement and innovation. Creative thinking will be rewarded with new solutions to old problems. Because as you open your mind to new ways, the universe can step in and help you fill in the blanks.
It is one of the universal laws in life, that we cannot be given, what we will not receive. And any ending, as painful as can be, brings at the same time with it the opportunity for a new beginning. This is the time to honour what was, while celebrating what will be-without knowing exactly what it will be -yet.
Be careful what you ask for during this powerful window of time and make sure you ask from your heart and not through a calculated thought process. As much as it is a time for closed cycles, it is also an opportunity for empowerment and new beginnings.
Draw inspiration from a card below own full moon theme or ritual. You can also find more inspiration on how to open to the power and support of the universe during difficult times here.
Full moon blessings,
3 things to remember
during the Flower Full Moon
Be Proud.
Silent your inner critic and celebrate your achievements. Cut out the cannnot’s and havenot’s of your vocabulary for en entire day and recite to yourself: ‘I have come so far. My achievements matter. Not anyone could have done, what I have done. I deserve praise and am worthy of kindness. I should never give up on my dreams, and I am so happy, that I tried. I am celebrating a lifetime of growth, learning, heartache, injury, recovery, perseverance, and survival as a meaningful accomplishment.’ Hang it as note on your mirror, and recite it for 30 days.
Reclaim your Time
Technology is moving ahead with unprocessed speed. New apps, networks, algorithms, and now AI, are becoming seamlessly integrated in our everyday lives. And without our consciousness directed towards it, it can become a thief, that steals our precious time. During this Full Moon try to pay attention to your digital habits and find ways to actively reduce the noise from tablets, smartphones, TV and radio. Be the master of your digital habits and don’t passively consume whatever comes your way. Be mindful about how your feed yourself. Your mind needs time and space to digest in the same way the body does, so make sure give it a balanced diet of peace and stimulation. Use your smartphone consciously throughout the day and be mindful about your screen time in general.
Let Go
of Personal Justice. Sometimes life can seem unfair and unjust. We have to come to some sort of acceptance, that we as individuals are not in control of Life. Bad Things Happen to Good People, and crooks become heroes for a day or a life. The Soul doesn’t count success and failure the way, most humans do. During this Full Moon, practice letting go of your need for Justice in your life and relationships. When we spend too much time in the past or reminiscing about what is unfair, we can miss the opportunities that are here for us in the present moment and the joy of being given a new beginning.
the Circle of Life
Honour and acknowledge any endings and completions happening at this time, whether they are initiated by you or not. Then welcome the open space created for new beginnings by those completions.
Make a Mandala in nature or at home, and simply reflect or journal on your Life Pattern, how it has shaped, and how you have shaped it. Leave it in the following days, and see what comes to your mind- and life.
Bring beauty into your life
Be gentle with yourself, as you process your emotions. Read healing reminders and fill yourself with inspiration and intention to move forward in a positive way no matter what happens in your life around this time. You can find a daily reminder in the Semine Soul Vitamins section. Nourish your soul with beauty and love. Then continue to your body and run a bath, or do some acupuncture or gua-sha massage. Browse through the Semine Self-Care section here.
‘Make Lemonade’
- for your mind.
Gather inspiration from some of the people you admire, who have walked through the impossible in a way that inspires you. Dive into the sea of all the hero’s journeys before you. Maybe you know someone personally in your own life, or maybe you have an icon, you can look to for inspiration.
Play the movie.
Read the book.
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