Pink Full Moon
PINK Full Moon
The Pink Moon arrives together with the blooming of the forest wildflowers in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe. The moon is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, named after grass that starts to grow with the return of the light. The April Pink Full Moon casts a light on our relationship dynamics as it invites us to re-define, re-new or re-weave the way we relate with each other. Around this time, some connections could end, some may change their form, and others may be completely re-defined as we are learning to build healthier bonds based on true connection.
Renewing Relationships
The Pink Full Moon is here to reveal how your outer world mirrors your inner world, and to support you making changes in order to balance your own needs with those of others. Just like the full moon reflects the light of the sun, you can look at your own full house, the circle of your relationships, as a mirror that reflects how you cast your own light and how it is mirrored back to you.
The Pink Full Moon is an opportunity to gain awareness of our relationship patterns, as it brings up the energetic imbalances of all of our ‘self versus other’ dynamics, as we learn that balance is not a static condition, rather a dynamic state made of ongoing adjustments and constant attunement to the present moment.
If you feel your relationships are imbalanced, this is the time to make adjustments in order to create a better balance through healthy boundaries, releasing your need to please others at your own expense, and finding new ways to respect and appreciate yourself more.
The Pink Full Moon teaches us the lesson, that love is unconditional, but our relationships should not be. In the days of the full moon, we will be given chances to see where we have been self-sacrificing, where we have been over-giving, and acknowledge whether we are emotionally dependent on others by bringing our attention to dynamics that are preventing us from having fully honest and authentic relationships.
Welcome the Pink Full Moon as an opportunity to renew or redefine the commitments to the people you are in a relationship with and gain awareness of how the way you connect with others informs you of, what you need to change in connection to yourself.
Journal promts
Are you balancing work, rest, and recreation?
Where are you giving too much to others at your own expense?
Do you have any people-pleasing tendencies leading to resentment or exhaustion? Reflect on where you can practice gentle kindness towards yourself as you remember, you don’t need to be perfect to be loved. You are worthy just as you are.
Where are you likely to be abandoning yourself in order to maintain a superficial sense of peace and connection, or, where you on the contrary, could be addicted to creating drama in your relationships as a way to feel alive, special, and worthy of attention?
Unweave to re-weave
Think of your life pattern as a beautiful tapestry, that you weave together with life, and this is the time to look at the ties that you might unconsciously have woven into your tapestry. Patterns, reactions and attachments that don’t serve you.
As you un-weave unhealthy chords, you can now create a new tapestry, add new colours and make new connections. This is not the time to be in a rush to get things done, to get to the finish line. Your life is meant to ‘live and learn’, and the Pink Full Moon wants you to remember how the lesson is worth more than the goal. How you at any time can stop and re-create the tapestry of your life into a version that is more you. After all, there is only one version of you, and there is only one tapestry that shows your unique life pattern, so make sure you don’t let others weave yours.
This is the time to re-learn and remember how to to fill your own cup first by cultivating all the qualities you are worthy of in yourself first, and then let the world and your relationships mirror it back to you.
Try to find the courage to dare step into new ways, where you bring your own, unique being and beauty to your relationships. Dare to dream of new ones, re-newed ones, and experiment with how the world meets you, when you show up differently.
The world needs you to be as amazing, as you can be, so think of this time as a chance to cut out depleting threads and patterns and replace them with ones that are more beautiful, more honouring - more you!
Remember, each time you honour yourself, you honour what the world needs the most: Love, compassion, joy, humanity. Putting yourself first is the key to expanding further into your relationships and then spilling out to all of humanity.
As you expand your capacity for depth and truth in your connections, stay true to your values and set proper boundaries, you will become more free and safe to open your hearts and soften the fear of being seen and show up for the world. You become free to embrace all the nuances of an infinite, unconditional love, as you are not swayed by the projections and power plays of others.
Full Moon Blessings for the expansion of you!
Moon Mantra
“I am creating balance in my life by honouring my needs and boundaries in my relationships and finding ways to nourish my own well-being.”