New Moon in Scorpio
Celebrating a better, wiser You.
The New Moon in Scorpio marks the beginning of A New You. Mother Moon becomes a clean slate for you to write your new chapter, a chapter that honours You for everything you have become through your trials and tribulations.
With the New Moon in Scorpio we are entering a transformative and revolutionary lunar month, that invites us to connect to our inner emotional power.
The headline of this New Moon will be ‘A New You.’ As Mother Moon retreats to a barely visible state, she presents a blank page for you to write an entirely new life chapter on.
New Moons correspond to the start of the lunar month. They bring an energy of renewal and renovation, they mark new beginnings, and they invite us to plant seeds and set intentions for the weeks ahead.
The archetype of Scorpio is connected with processes of decay and decomposition: this sign reminds us of the necessity of death within the cycle of life, and that decomposition of matter ultimately creates fertile soil for life to begin again.
During this New Moon, we are asked, yes still!, to let go. The energy of the autumn season teaches us the art of letting go of in deep trust of the recycling principle of nature, where what must die leaves a space for the new to grow.
Just like the autumn trees, we are asked to release and purge old thoughts of ourselves from the inside, and let the autumn wind carry them away like falling leaves. As we do so, we allow for a much needed upgrade, and during this time in between the old and the new, we have immense support in the practice of replacing old self beliefs with new and more honouring ones.
These days and weeks, we will have chances to observe how gracefully we can release what has lost its purpose, without needing to destroy the past or making it wrong, but simply acknowledging that our lives have changed, that situations have changed, as it is as natural and inevitable as the changing seasons.
Just like the New Moon this whole process is invisible. It is an inside job. A change on the inside.
Take some time during the days of the New Moon to write a celebration letter to yourself that highlights your inner accomplishments: All the things, you overcame. The invisible victories, that no one never knew about. Maybe you overcame a strong fear. Maybe you let go of a difficult relationship. Maybe you let go of something in your professional work life. Whatever you have said goodbye to, has created a space, that can be filled up with re-cycled upgrades and new experiences. And whatever sorrow you felt in connection to the letting-go process, was a necessary step that took your to and through to the state-of-mind, that prepares you for something new.
“Only you know what you overcame, and what it took to overcome it. Celebrate yourself, honour yourself, as the Moon and her stars bow to you in respect. ”
Whether by choice or not, this season brings the New. The New Energy. The New Chapter. The New You. So if you have already let s… go, then great! You are now more than ready. And if you feel like, you still need to say goodbye to something, then make sure, you do it during the days surrounding this New Moon.
Just like nature, the cosmos is organized by a principle of recycling, so anything you let go of, will come back in a different shape. A new love, a new job, a new adventure. Even A New You!
This New Moon is asking you, gently, to put aside your own plans for a bit and allow for a greater intelligence to re-cycle your past into future. Instead of trying to change the elements around you, allow for the Universe to transform and fill the space. The only job for you during this New Moon will be to leave space.
So clean up you mental, emotional and physical space, light a candle for the New -and shining- You, write your past self a Celebration Letter or Thank You Note.
Then sit back and allow for the New Moon to do her magic as the heavenly matchmaker of the frequency of a New You and entirely new stories.
Stories that are written directly in the stars.
New Moon Blessings,
New Moon Bedtime story
The Girls Who played with the Stars.
Treat yourself with this bedtime story for some soothing star magic. This is a story about a girl, who learns a special magic straight from the stars.
A letter for Her. A tribute to the Wild Feminine and Everything, She is.
Gift yourself these words this new moon, or send the letter to a special someone in you life to nourish her soul with these seeds of love.