Snow Full Moon
The February Full Moon is here to witness what has come full circle in our lives and assist us in releasing. We are supported in handing over anything, that is too heavy to carry into the future to the Snow Moon as we cleanse, purify and refine.
Pure as Snow
February's full moon is also known as the ‘Snow Moon.’ In the past, the Winter weather often gave hard frost in January and the slightly light frost that produced heaps of snow in February. The Snow Moon is also some times called the ‘clean’ and ‘bless’ moon, which fits well for February, a month named after a purification ritual.
The element of snow holds a quality of purification or purity, and the Full Snow Moon concludes this month’s theme of purification, as we are approaching the end of the Winter Season. The last full moon of Winter holds themes of culmination, clearing and cleaning in order for us to have a clean slate and fresh soil to rebuild what we love in the coming Spring season– together with germinating thoughts on what that may look like.
Coming Full Circle
The Snow Moon will cast a light on the messages we get from our bodies, our intuition, our hearts and our inner knowing rather than from our intellect.
Everything has a vibration, and Mother Moon is here to assist you in learning the art of tapping into the frequency of everything, so you can start to make better choices for yourself. Not all energy is for us, and our bodies remind us of this through our nervous system and emotions. When you master the art of navigating through your body’s energy sensitivity, you start living in the right frequency for you, where it becomes much easier to heal, attract and manifest the things you desire. You can feel what resonates and start to call in parts and qualities of your life, that have previously been missing. But it all begins with unwinding and releasing in order to attract an energy, that fits better with the life, you want to live.
During this Full Moon, relationships, projects, or dreams may be coming full circle, ready for release. Whatever arrives for you, try to meet it with grace and gratitude for life lessons learned in whatever way, they happened for you, as valuable teachings of what is no longer sustainable for you, and where you find you need to set better boundaries – especially in terms of habits and patterns that are not supportive to your overall health and well-being. There is a strong awareness pointed to self care and powerful support for making changes where needed.
“Know the difference between those who stay to feed the soil and those who come to grab the fruit. ”
Upleveling through release
Think of this time as an invitation and opportunity to level up. In order for improvement to occur, we first need to acknowledge and release what is no longer sustainable. At the same time, we need to feel into the field of our desire for what it is we long for, envision it by expanding our creativity and imagination and lastly take grounded action steps towards manifesting it.
You may feel a push-pull energy where you are being called to re-calibrate your whole system towards more stability, as you go through a fine-tuning process of the parts that might have been content in the past, and the parts of you that want to break free towards more freedom and expansion into the unknown. Find balance between the two and focus on changing the little things first. Remember that big changes are the result of small, consistent actions.
Use discernment when necessary, especially around your personal physical and emotional needs. Care and service are noble, but don’t ignore yourself. Monitor your energy during the coming weeks, so you stay true to yourself first and find some joy in the process. Secure moments of rest to yourself, away from the hustle of the world, so that you can make choices from a place of focus and alignment.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Starting to Sprout
Under the light of this Full Moon, you can expect some of the dream seeds you planted at the beginning of the year, begin to to crack open and start to germinate. Germination is the first phase of the growth process that starts with germinating the seed.
This process is often still taking place on the invisible plane, under the dark Winter soil. It’s a wonderful process that takes place in silence and within nature. The perfect plan, the blueprint that lies in every seed, ensures that the growth starts under the right conditions.
During this Full Moon, the Sun is at the same degree as the star Deneb in the constellation of Swan. The ancient Egyptians saw this star as the exit of the birth canal of the heavenly goddess Nut. She gave birth to the Sun, brought it light and gave room to the new Self. Together with the Sun, Deneb gives need to go on a journey of discovery, both in the world and in the mind. It gives us the courage to take action on our beliefs and insights. The Moon versus Deneb carries the message of not to follow the path that society or others expect from you, but your own path and your own beliefs. Turn in, feel the white wings of Swan around you and decide from your safe, pure center which is your direction and path.
What do YOU want?
Under the Snow Full Moon, you will be supported in figuring out whether you’ve been tapping into what your heart wants lately and, if not, help you to take a moment to get clear on what you want without being swayed by the opinion of others.
Listen, feel, and find ways to keep your frequency high. What slumbers in you and wants to awaken with a right to exist? What dream comes in your consciousness? Go inside and find your still point. From there you feel connected to everything. Give your inner magician space, become aware of your possibilities – you can create whatever you desire!
We are on the way to spring now, which also brings the astrological new year, so take this time to release, what has had its time in order to give energy to the longings that truly resonate with your soul. Use the light of Winter’s last Full Moon to illuminate what it is that you—and you alone—desire.
Living your best life is crucial to this time in history. Not only is it your birthright as a human being to thrive. Being a happier and healthier human will also be of immense service to the whole world.
The Snow Moon is not afraid to shine and tonight it asks of you to be a playmate who is willing to do exactly the same.
Full Moon blessings,
Full Moon Rituals
Count Your Blessings.
Full Moon are like full houses. It is the time to reflect on what has grown in your life: The wisdom, you have gained. The lessons you have learned. The love you have received. Gratitude is a powerful way to manifest your best life. As you realize, how abundant are in specific areas of your life, you can better take in the opportunities, when they arrive. And you will attract more joy, love and experiences, as you will find them in many places every day, If you struggle with finding them, a good way is to write them down. Or you can start a night time ritual, where you think of 3 good things from your day to train you ‘gratitude attitude.’
Keep Dreaming
Winter time is the perfect time for dreaming. As the plants and animals hibernate, so do we. It is a time for deep dreaming about the coming year and what you dream of growing in your life. Like little seeds, we plant ideas in our minds first to take action on later. In our modern Western culture of instant gratification, we are not used to the slowness of cultivation. But it is a natural principle, a natural rhythm, a natural cycle that supports us in our life. As much as you want to move forward, we still have a little dream time left during the month of February. So keep your dreams alive, sweet one.