New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo invites you to simplify your life by sifting and sorting in order to prepare you for the next cycle. Like a butterfly in the final stage of its cocoon, or a falcon dusting off its wings before take-off, take this chance to prepare for the miracle of flying.
Virgo is a sign that invites us to choose to live more mindfully and make conscious decisions by exploring tools and practices that expand our self-awareness.
The New Moon in Virgo lends you her power of courage and determination, so you can implement fast-track change and 'leap over.’
This New Moon will support big moves, as long as it is in the right direction. In return, she will ask of you to first explore energy leaks from either outside or inside, in order to make a commitment to change whatever behaviour is not serving you.
New Moons are all about setting intentions for the next moon cycle by pinning down what our soul longs to manifest. You can completely trust your soul’s intentions, as they are for your higher good.
There can often be conflicts between what our minds want to manifest (a dream partner, dream job and dream house) and what our soul longs to manifest (freedom, creative expression and peace of mind), and during the New Moon phase, we are given great support for connecting to the source of our soul to get clarity on what is for our higher good and best way forward.
This is where Virgo can give you a lending hand. Virgo is an Earth sign, and your physical body is an extension of the Earth itself. The human body holds immense wisdom, if you tune into it for answers, they will arrive with remarkable clarity through the body’s sensations. You body knows before your mind, what is good for you, so during this new moon cycle, try to practice trust in what your body is telling you. Is it fear or excitement? Is it sadness or tiredness? Is it draining or energizing to be around?
Take out some time on the day (or days around) the New Moon to connect to your soul’s voice through meditation, journaling or a medicine walk outdoors. Whatever practice you choose, try to work around the intention around ‘emptying the cup’ of the chatter of your mind and saying a much needed ‘fare well’ to unfulfilled dreams and disappointments. New moons gives us a special opportunity to practice what the Zen Buddhists call ‘The beginner’s mind’.
Think of the new moon as a blank page or white canvas, or even better, take out a blank piece of paper, and fill out that paper with words and images coming directly from your soul in this very moment. Maybe take inspiration from Semine’s New Moon Cards as you write an intention for the next moon cycle, and then revisit your paper or notes on the next full moon to reflect on the changes and celebrate whatever happened during that cycle.
Life moves round and round in endless circles, just like the sun and the moon moves around in endless circle in the cosmos. In the same way, don’t think of your soul’s intentions and longings in a linear way, like we think of ‘life goals’. Your soul is here to evolve and wants to learn about the things that can expand your life experience. Themes may come round to revisit or come back in a new shape. Try not to judge it, thinking you’ve ‘been there, done that’.
Practice the beginner’s mind, and look at it with new eyes. Maybe this time, you have a different experience, that will allow you to learn something new or simply leap over what is not for you anymore.
The New Moon in Virgo invites you to simplify your life by simply choosing what is for you higher good and leave behind, what is breadcrumbs from the past.
Sifting and sorting your life will prepare you for your next cycle. And the dusting off is an important phase that allows you to emerge in a lighter and happier state before your new chapter,
Let go of grudges, dynamics and thought processes that don’t serve you, and take a moment to be still, so you can listen to what is inside you. Maybe you will find an answer to the big question from the Virgo New Moon, who likes a soft but firm motherly mentor asks you: “Dare you take the steps that your soul asks of you?”
Remember to keep a flexible mind and allow for things to evolve at their own pace. If something is not yet clear to you, don’t try and overthink or force it. Allow answers and direction to flow into clarity through its own timing.
New Moon blessings,
“Believe in the Magic of New Beginnings. Dust off your wings and trust in their strength to take you to new heights.”
Soul Vitamin
Set your New Moon intention and plant the seeds for the next lunar cycle with SEMINE’s self-print Moon Almanac cards.