The Aquarius Full Moon is bringing illumination and revelation to a new chapter for us all, which we unlock step by step by letting our emotional intelligence lead the way and staying true to our hearts.
Read MoreThe new moon in Leo welcomes a time to be bold and step up for yourself. Leo teaches us to stand in our power, protect our domains and roar with the voice, that was given to us.
Read MoreIf there was a time to believe in yourself, it is now. The spectacular July full moon is here to assist you in reaching for the sky, as she is casting a light on everything that stands in the way.
Read MoreThe beautiful Cancer New Moon allows for inner healing and deep nurturing. Plant your desire right in in the center of your heart and know that it is the safest place to plant anything.
Read MoreThe Strawberry Moon, is here to help you ‘leap over.’ Whatever obstacle has held you back in your recent journey, it is time to turn around. First in your head, then in your life.
Read MoreThe beautiful Gemini New Moon appears just days before the summer solstice with promises of a new cycle of communication and regeneration.
Read MoreThe Flower Full Moon is here to nudge you to come back to yourself in some round-about way - either through your existing path, or through a new and completely different course with the potential to begin a cycle that is completely different from what you have experienced before.
Read MoreThe May New Moon is showing up as the perfect nurse to help you heal whatever wounds have been brought to the surface, and take us by the hand into the last part of spring, where we can enjoy all of Life’s wonders.
Read MoreThe Pink Moon arrives together with the blooming of the forest wildflowers in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe. It casts a light on our relationship dynamics and invites us to re-define and re-new the way we relate with each other.
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