Woolf Moon

The Wolf moon is here to help us navigate the way forward. In the middle of the cold, dark Winter, we are contemplating new directions, and under the light of the January Full Moon we are asked to access our own instinctual wisdom about our future paths.

It’s thought that January’s full Moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more often heard howling at this time. It was traditionally believed that wolves howled due to hunger during winter, but we know today that wolves howl for other reasons. Howling and other wolf vocalizations are generally used to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds and coordinate hunting.

Finding your Howl

During the January Wolf Moon, we are called to find our own howl, aka our voice. As the Moon shines a (bright) light on you, this is the time to dig into the treasure box of your personal gifts. Wolf Medicine is all about instinct and leadership, and during this Full Moon, we are asked to uncover our own personal leadership. What comes natural to you? What makes you angry? What is yours to protect?

Finding your personal voice is one of the most fundamental parts of finding your way towards personal fulfillment and happiness through leading yourself home. And the Wolf Moon is here to assist you in fuelling your self-esteem, so your can untame your inner wild and unleash it into the world. This is not a time of thinking, not even of feeling. This is a time to let your instinct lead you straight through the wilderness, so you can find your way to the right place for you.

Another important part of finding your voice will be to use it and share it. But it all begins with your unique howl, your authentic voice. You might have been silenced or ridiculed before, or even shamed, but this is the time to rekindle the relationship with your voice and your personal message to the world. Once that relationship becomes as strong as clear as the howl of a wolf in a dark January night, the magic can start to happen: Your pack can find you. And they will. This is the time for the lonely wolf to find her tribe. To belong. So speak up dear one. Share what’s on your heart. Your people cannot find you unless you do.

Wolf as pathfinder

Wolves are often misunderstood as the wild animals they are with many stories of cold-bloodedness, in spite of their friendly, intelligent and social traits.

Native Americans have long regarded wolves as teachers or pathfinders. And in her book ‘Women who Run With the Wolves’, Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estés uses the wolf, La Loba, as an analogy to the wild woman nature. Wolf is the instinct that whispers answers to your ear. The voice inside you that, if you only trust her, she will lead you through life.

During times of uncertainty, wolf medicine teaches us to use our heart instead of our head to find the best way forward. To use our instinct to navigate.

During times of uncertainty, wolf medicine teaches us to use our heart instead of our head to find the best way forward. To use our instinct to navigate.

However, this requires silence, and the dark January night in middle of the winter is a perfect time for that. On the night of the full moon and the days surrounding it, we are supported in processing what has been and letting go of the past without blame. This is a time best spent being instead of doing. A time for listening to the answers to your questions: Where do you want to go from here? With whom? Doing what?

Wolf will howl at you and require sincerity in your answers. She asks you to face both your deepest fears and biggest dreams. She wants you to become the wildest, wisest, most amazing creature you can be. To take the path to freedom and find your pack on the way.

Trust in the wolf moon to assist you in learning to listen to the voice within yourself, which in silence is as clear as the sound of the wolf howling in the night.

Full moon blessings,

MORE on finding your inner wild

Wolf Medicine

Wolf represents your wild instinct, and if you only trust her, she will lead you through life.

Native Americans have long regarded wolves as teachers or pathfinders. If Wolf finds you, this may be an indication that you are a teacher or wisdom keeper of some kind. To increase your Wolf power, you can increase wisdom and also share it with others through experience, by walking the path. Or another way to put it: practice what you preach.

Dreaming the World Into Being

If you feel at odds in this world, it is because you are here to create a new one.

We are all dreaming the world into being. Not the kind of dream that belongs in the domain of sleep, but the waking dream we create with our eyes open. With our ideas of reality, we can shape the world, we live in, and if we re-learn the sacred art of dreaming, we can create a better life for ourselves, our species - and the Earth.