The Pose: The Dancer
Image via Umnya Dune Camp
In Sanskrit, Dancer's Pose is called Natarajasana. In English, its translation is "Lord of the Dance". In Hindu Mythology, Nataraja is a name given to Lord Shiva, for he used to perform a cosmic dance to rejuvenate his emotions, thus restoring balance in the universe.
Natarajasana is an advanced balance pose that brings grace, peace of mind and clarity. The pose is additionally a deep backbend that requires great strength in the entire front line of the body. The Front Line of the body extends from the quadriceps, through the hips, abdominals, chest and even the front of the throat.
The Physical Benefits
In Dancer's Pose, you stretch your shoulders and chest, while stretching out your thighs, groin and abdomen. While simultaneously strengthening your legs and ankles, you'll improve your balance and concentration.
The Energetic Benefits
You'll also open your Sacral, Solar plexus, and Heart Chakras in this powerful posture, by finding balance in the realm of sensuality, personal power, and love and compassion.
The Spiritual Benefits
The myth of this asana represents dancing through our samsara—the cycles, patterns, and habits we get stuck in. Additionally, the cobra that dangles from Shiva's neck in this posture represents the toxic nature of our ignorance or, avidya— the misunderstanding ourselves as anything but divine beings.