Februrary New Moon
The February New Moon comes with a soothing message of nurturing and dreaming at a time, where we are on the edge of the winter season. As the land is fertile with intention, now is the time to nurture your inner seeds for their growth and expansion.
The February New Moon is an invitation for an emotional check-in with yourself. Where are you now on your journey, and where do you want to go from here?
We have been processing a lot of things during the first month of the year, where the great astrological energetic shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius (if you didn’t catch up on our 2024 forecast yet, you can do it here) has brought up confusion and change.
And we are also still processing and integrating the teachings from last year, as we are closing the loops of what we want to bring with us into our next chapter - which is more accurate to say is an entire new book.
Diving into your E-motions
This New Moon opens a chapter where are directed towards working with our intuition over our intellect. This is a good time for diving into our own inner imaginary landscapes, to day-dream and simply just be with what is coming through.
The February New Moon starts a new cycle for meditating and dreaming, where we are supported in working with our super-conscious: The higher intelligence that resides inside us all. The part of us, that knows where to go, when our human selves feel lost or confused about the next (best) step.
Water as Healing
The February New Moon comes with an invitation to become who we really are without apology as we break out of conditioning, that previously have left us with the feeling of being an outsider, or simply unloveable and misunderstood.
Aquarius the water-bearer pours its healing water over you to free you from false perceptions and transforming your sorrows and griefs and transforms them into a vision as clear as a teardrop.
Feel the feels, cry if you must, and know that there is deep alchemy in tears and anything related to water. A big theme during the whole month of February is the cleansing and purification process derived from the word februum, an object used for ritual purification.
The days around the New Moon are good days for any kind of water healing. Baths, visits to hammams and spa’s, walking in the rain, or simply having a good cry to release emotions and the processing, that is coming through from a long, long time.
Planting Dream Seeds
In the Art of Gardening, planting seeds is a an act of faith. The gardener doesn’t get to to control or decide, which seeds will grow, how they will be received by the soil, and how the weather conditions will be.
In the same way, we don’t get to control how our dream seeds are received out in the world. But we can do our part: Setting the intention and daring to plant our dream seeds with the hope of what it might become. And if we keep nurturing them and watering them on a steady basis, there is a chance, that they might start to sprout and eventually grow strong enough to continue on their own.
Dream seeds have their own intelligence. They are made of a special fabric weaved by your imagination, your hopes and longings and golden threads of the universe with your name and code in them. Just like you long for your dreams, they long for you. They are a unique fabric that calls you out to weave a little bit every day, but also receive, what is coming towards you and allowing that to become a part of the fabric.
When we cultivate our dreams and visions like a garden instead of a goal, we can also allow ourselves to let go of the pressure around unfolding and timing together with the responsibility of everything being on us.
We are not meant to do life alone, and when we turn towards our dreams as a relationship and inter-weaving, we can let go of the fear of putting our hopes forward in the world and the vulnerability of what might happen to our dreams and see it as a two-way relationship, that opens up chapters in our book, we could never have written ourselves.
New moon blessings.
REFlect on your journey
Just as the moon influences the rise and fall of the tides here on Earth, so too do the changing phases of the moon have a huge impact on us. The fact that there is a new moon every four weeks creates a perfect rhythm for us to keep checking in with ourselves, our changing nature, and the energies we are experiencing. The days around the New Moon are great for reflection on your journey as a mental cleaning-up-the-closet. Where did you come from, what do you want to take with you, and where do you want to go from here based on what and how things have changed.
Now can be a great time to practice remembering (and writing) down your nightly dreams, your day-dreams, as dreaming is a way your intuition speaks to you. Is there something, your super-conscious is trying to tell you, when you are resting in dreamtime? Or is there some spark of inspiration or vision, that came to you on a meditative walk in nature? Remember now it not the time to judge or criticize what your intuition tells you. It is simply the time to practice to be with what it is telling you, regardless of what your rational mind tells you about what makes sense or can and cannot be done.
The February New Moon is an invitation to nurture the inner seeds, that you have been planting in the beginning of the year. As much as we long to run forward into action, this new moon asks you to pace yourself. This is a very delicate time, where nurturing and self-care are at the forefront. A seed is a precious little form of hope and intention, that knows what to do. It just needs time and patience. This is the time to honour these qualities in ourselves as well.
A great way to reflect on this is by writing out the following sentences:
Where can I make more room for my dreams?
What I need to nurture is…..
A way to practice patience in my daily life is…..