The name March is derived from the Latin word Martius (named after Mars, the Roman god of war). Martius was the name of the first month in the original Roman calendar.
March is a game changer month where we will be starting a brand new chapter on our journey–individually as well as collectively. As we wrap up the astrological year, we are getting ready for a shift, that catapults us into the next cycle of growth by empowering who we are now.
A New Cycle
March brings transformational, chapter-turning transits, that spark the beginning of a new cycle. The entire month has a shape-shifting energy, that offers profound shifts and trigger our hunger for truth, wisdom, awakening and soul healing. We can start to feel the past is dissolving into the distance, while a new reality begins to take form.
Astrologically, March is the most important months of the year with the upcoming Spring Equinox, that marks the astrological New Year. And not only are we starting a new cycle, it is also the perfect opener of a brand new season: Spring.
This month allows us to quietly wrap up a one-year cycle with all its growth and lessons. As we sift and sort our inner and outer homes, we can feel a new identity emerging from within - as well as we can start to sense shifts on our collective horizons.
We officially entered the Age of Aquarius back in January (if you didn’t catch up on Semine’s 2024 forecast yet, you can do it here), where we can expect shifts around Aquarian themes such as humanitarian values and community, and these themes start to gain momentum this month. We’re slowly making progress towards shifting away from destroying outworn structures and norms and challenging the old paradigm toward birthing a revolutionary new age in humanity.
Individually, we have been preparing for this month’s massive shifts for a long, long time and around the time as we step into the Astrological New Year at the Spring Equinox, we are truly supported in beginning to write this new chapter of our lives.
Play with the Idea of who you are
March is a good time to reconnect with our internal anchor in order to steady ourselves during this time of great change. Practicing self-care but also playing with who we are–now–are at the forefront, as we adapt to our new chapter.
This is the perfect time for fine-tuning the little habits and nudges, that give us the best conditions to grow. That way, we can better embrace the potent opportunity for clearing, healing, and up-leveling, that comes with the Spring season.
We are living through pivotal times. We are the midpoints and the bridges of a new conscience on Earth, as we anchor into the wisdom, we each hold and co-create solutions collectively. This is why it is especially important during this time to keep our thoughts and energy focused on a vision of what can be.
As we center into our bodies through self-care, we can fine-tune and calibrate the vessel that takes us through life with all its ups and downs, trust that we are prepared to handle the turbulence and know when to act through heart-centered movement on our visions.
Self-care practices and rituals are not only nice-to-have luxuries but essential during times of change and a strong personal transformational tool, that cultivate a deep reverence for the person we are growing into as well as an honour everything we have gone through the past recent years.
Letting go to let in.
We have much to release before the new energies pour in. Throughout the month, try to remain steady and gentle with your self.
Feel your grief and observe where something is stuck and needs to surrender. We’re emptying our cups so we can cross a potent threshold into the next phase of our lives, relationships and out in the world.
Overall, March is the perfect time to gather our self-care tools and practices to make healthier decisions for our lives.
Sift, sort, collect and water your seedlings, as you strengthen the structure of your earthly vessel to prepare to navigate the waters of change, that arrive around the time of the Spring Equinox.
Practice trust and believe in a friendly universe, that conspires in your favour. Anchor into your heart through self-care and self-reverence as you feel into all that you can be through the coming transformational changes.
Spring season blessings,
March Rituals
Re-kindle your self-care practice(S)
March is the perfect month to re-kindle the Self-care practices that really nourish YOU. After a long winter, it is time to welcome the energetic changes of Spring by nourishing yourself and refuelling your batteries. It’s time to breathe, go for walk to greet the returning birds and find ways to calm your nervous system before rushing into the new season with its equal potential and overwhelm of possibilities.
Self-care practices are the little habits and nudges, that allow us to center and find inner peace in the midst of change and help us navigate a complex world, everyday stress, and assist us in making personal life choices.
Having a Self-care practice is becoming more and more important, as the stressors of the modern world are increasing with rapid pace. If you don’t have a conscious way of relating to your self and taking the necessary everyday actions towards refueling your own energy, you can easily start to lose momentum and going down a bad spiral of feeling your batteries being constantly drained.
For inspiration on how to get your self-care game started, go follow the stories on @seminejourney on instagram the whole month during March to get your daily self-care inspiration dose.
Go for a walk and connect to the land, make a wish for what you want to grow in your life or write a letter where you send thanks to Mother Earth and the sprouting flowers in your life. Read more here
NEW Moon
March New Moon
The March New Moon is the last new moon before the Spring Equinox, that brings the astrological New Year. We can use this time as a last retreat to create a space in our hearts to envision the future, we wish to see, and tend to the lives we wish to lead.