October’s medicine is an invitation to focus on establishing a level of personal orderliness in our environments and inner workings to support the phase of growth we find ourselves in now-individually and as a collective.
As cycles and cycles of life have been lived, we have been collecting things and experiences into our lifes-and living spaces. A life lived is a beautiful thing, but with time also clutter and dust collecting little piles find their ways into both our inner homes and physical homes. And with the change of the season, we can welcome the urge for a good Marie Kondo clean-up, both literally and figuratively- as we look at our personal accumulation.
A change of season has always been great thresholds to clean up, clear out, as we might look at things differently and want to make space for new experiences and teachings from a fresh state. Whether it’s packing down summer wardrobes and saying hello to your Autumn attire or flipping through cookbooks for more warming and balancing food, you might find, that you feel like you are in a completely different place from one year ago and feel inspired to make changes and adjustments to update your home(s) to the time of now.
Editing, tweaking, tidying, decluttering.
Astrologically, a solar eclipse and new moon in Libra initiate a six-month cycle of growth, where we are being given a chance to make lasting changes in our lives with true peace and easy beauty as the end result. True to the Libra nature, we are invited to master a fine balancing act of sorting and synthesizing the positives and negatives—the dark and the light. Balance will be to required to realize future visions, along with commitment and effort.
Throughout the month, the past wrestles to make peace with the future. Emotions related to lack and the imbalance of unmet or ignored needs may feel enormously magnified and tender, creating a crisis of sudden awareness, where blind spots are revealed.
The month of October is the month to tend our personal fire by acting on our intuition and impulses to achieve resolution. But first, try yo seek counsel with past ghosts, make friends with them and find a resolution somewhere, some day to step forward for yourself, rather than lashing out on others. Whatever change you find yourself in this month, always make it about you-and not them.
Buckle up for the ride
Shaped in an at times turbulent ride, the energy of this month can be truly transformative. Try to find ways to stay grounded and balanced. Without grounding it is easy to spin out and lose yourself in drama, scatter and confusion. Remember, you are in the driver’s seat on this ride in all areas of your life.
The month is a highly creative time and a good connection with the earth is crucial. It’s a good month to make changes and tweak your relationship with your health. Find inspiration by paying attention to how nature supports you in this time of harvest; how the Earth nourishes you, how water replenishes you, how fire transforms the old but also ignites your creative source, and how air moves energy with your breath.
During the entire month, try to work towards eliminating habits and self-beliefs that do not serve your physical, mental or emotional well-being. You might think of it be a tough discipline, but this month, you can actually make it a joyful little game of pleasure,where you honour your body by listening to its needs–and find pleasure and wellbeing in supporting your beautiful vessel of life in the best way possible.
Couple the playful approach with the intention for higher havingness and deserveabililty. You are worth everything good in life. This includes making choices to stay in your own lane and out of toxic environments and away from the drama of others. Remember that you cannot take on any energy that is not yours. If you have taken on someone else’s issues, the consequence may be that you may not resolve anything by doing it, but instead start to feel drained and exhausted because of the energy leak, it creates in you.
“When your mind get’s lost, let your heart lead the way. Let it be your own flame, let it be the beacon for others. Let it be the warming ember of your inner fire. ”
The energies of October are supporting us in re-claiming a new sense of balance in relationship to ourselves, to others and to the surrounding world.
The inward processing of emotions, that began back in September during retrograde season, culminates in October, where are invited to finally release past beliefs and value systems.
This month is especially supportive in finding a new balance in our relationship with the world around us, as we can succeed in setting better boundaries, balance give and take and really believing that ‘NO’ is a complete sentence. We don’t need to explain ourselves all the time. Asserting our needs in a healthy way is a key to not only surviving, but essential also to our wellbeing, mentally, physically and spiritually.
This month is the time to break free of limiting beliefs around what you can and cannot do. It’s time to re-write the manuscript of your own hero’s or heroine’s journey with you as the lead character.
The truth is you don’t need anyone else to start living your dreams today. Maybe you want to share them with someone, and that’s totally ok. But relationships are not the only way to fulfillment and liberation. From the outside, it might look like it, but it is far from true. You relationships are the friction–and the polish–that shape you into the sparkling diamond, you are deep inside. Too many of us (women) have been raised by parents or society, that we need a man or partner to be complete, and we are raised into people-pleasing personas in order to be accepted and tolerated.
At this time, teachings around relationships remind us, that our human relationships are not meant to drain us, and Libra is the reminder–and mirror– of that. Old belief systems around having to work to be worthy of love, and invest over and over again to build the ivory tower, you put yourself in, are old stories, fantasies of an old paradigm, that need to go.
The new adventures tell stories about abundant Goddesses, who bring love and beauty to the world and are values for their innate qualities, they have with them simply by design. The Goddess doesn’t ‘invest’ in a man or partner by pleasing and submission, she simply ‘spills over’ with beauty and grace for his - and everyone’s- delight.
The feminine principles are awakening for a new paradigm on the Earth, and chances are, you re one of the Goddesses, who are meant to shine your light here, right now. Your relationships should not take away from what you are, but add chemistry and energy to your being. This month, take note, take stock, assert yourself - and course-correct when needed.
When in doubt, take a timeout.
Listen to your heart.
It knows the way.
October Blessings,
October Rituals
Ground yourself.
Spend time in nature and allow its beauty and serenity to deepen your sense of spirituality. Nature often provides profound insights and can serve as a source of spiritual inspiration.. Journal, medidate, go forestbathing or medicine walk.
Let your dead leaves drop
The astrolgial eclipses of October bring about change. And, when there is change, something has to be released. Just like the leaves fall in autumn, consider what you need to release from your life. Letting go of attachments, grudges, or old patterns can create space for new insights and growth.
Practice trust in the timing of your life's unfolding. Sometimes, events may not happen when we expect them to, but they occur when we are ready to receive and understand their significance. As always, follow your intuition and the intelligence of your heart when making decisions and choices, trusting that when the mind is confused, the heart knows which way to go.
The Libra New Moon is here as a tender Wanderlust companion to take you through the Wilderness of your own heart, as she asks you to step out onto a New Path.
HUNTER’s Full Moon
The Hunter Full Moon is a deeply healing Moon, that is here to assist you in feeling a deep compassion and gratitude towards yourself for the wisdom of the steps, you took in the past